
Thursday, June 01, 2006

I should probably just give up on this altogether

But I'm trying to procrastinate from my bird flu/pneumonia assignments, so I'll write an entry!! Wooo!!!!

Let's see...since March, what's happened?

Foundations is over, so now stuff at uni counts. That sort of sucks. I start Society and Health with the very best intentions of now, I'm falling asleep in/skipping lectures, so yeah. Or writing in blogs to avoid projects! Still love uni people though - great bunch. New SGS group is good, new scenarios are uni in general is ok. I guess.

I've also become a lot more annoyed about being under 18. So close...and yet so far!!! It is so, so cruel to be in university and be underage. I suppose I could get a fake, but I'm opposing that for 3 main reasons:
1) It's illegal and wrong (yeah I know huh? Having ethics and morals...isn't that weird?)
2) I don't have the guts to face a big fat bouncer with a fake and stare back at him, pretending to be whatever Asian person happens to be on the card
3) I spend so much time bitching and whining about 16 year olds sneaking into clubs on "their stupid little fake IDs" that to become one of them would make me feel like an enormous hypocrite.
Hmm...anyway yeah...just 24 days left! Then all the pubs and clubs in Sydney will be open to me. I will also be able to vote, buy alcohol, cigarettes, gamble, become the executor of my parents' will (oddly enough that is the thing THEY'RE most excited about...changing their will...) and have gay sex. Although Lachlan's telling me I can't do that. Then again, he also says I shouldn't go to Greenwood - something I have never intended on obeying anyway.

*Insert Announcement* Congratulations to Shankari and Rafe who finally got it together after months of tension and "ooh! no! we're just friends!!!" bullshit!!! Hahahaha....ahhh...can't believe I was taken in TWICE with the "we couldn't be more than friends, we don't want to ruin the friendship" crap. It won't happen again, let me assure you.

What else...I've seen Life of Brian, which is probably my favourite Monty Python film now - seriously a cack up!!! It's so not paying out Christianity!! If anything it's paying out the brainless protest movements and general bureaucracy involved in such organisations...or the general society in Judea at the time...whatever the case, it's good stuff. Also seen Da Vinci Code which was a bitter disappointment - sooooo boring. If you've read the book, you're only watching it for the pleasure of seeing it re-enacted onscreen (since you know who the bad guy is, and where the Grail is) - and that pleasure was pretty muted by Tom Hanks' bad acting, cheesy music, and general slowness. V for Vendetta was overrated as well, by the way.

Ok - I've wasted enough time...I'm going back to bird flu, just because the thing's due on WebCT tonight. GAAHH!!!!

Love you all!!


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