
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

So much stuff!!

I haven't posted for a while, but guess what? That might mean that I've actually gotten a life!! How exciting - Jen, the supreme internet nerd has actually been out for the whole last week, without time to hang off a computer. I haven't even posted on the BoS forums, or read fanfiction. You proud of me?

So what's happened?

1) Modern History: bloody brilliant paper. Decolonisation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was this close to dancing on the table!!!!!!!! Haha, but reading time was so damn funny anyway - totalitarianism came up (and Jen felt vindicated), as did conservative elites. So much for Volksgemeinschaft and foreign policy, you complete ignoramus (naturally Ms Osborn). But no - I really enjoyed it.

2) The HSC is officially over!! I have completely finished everything to do with school!! NO reason to go back. None whatsoever!! That part of my life has been closed off - the doors have been closed and a new era beckons onward...a bright new era of independence, freedom and FUN!!! I just love that. "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we are free at last." Yes, those words suddenly have so much more meaning to me.

3) Celia got a new car which is SO EXCITING!! Liberating!! Independence-inducing...everything. So we've been around, which is great. Lots of shopping, too: i've bought 2 cotton print singlet tops, a casual dress, several t-shirts, a pair of shorts, several books, a new lip gloss, thongs...things i brand "essentials". Unfortunately the biggest essential of all has not yet been purchased. And yes, I mean a formal dress. How bloody hard can it be to find one that fits, looks nice and is just generally a good dress!?!?!? Obviously very hard. Most dresses are either unoriginal, too low cut (after Year 10 I'm not going there again - too uncomfortable, self-conscious-inducing, prone to masking tape disasters etc) bad colours, too expensive or too small. Damn I hate the last one. Especially because, given about...3-4 weeks, something could have been done about that, but nooo...right now, with one week to go, the shape I am is the shape I'll be.

Anyway I'm signing off now because tomorrow I'm catching up with a few people. Hehehehe, I feel SO popular right now - all these lunch/coffee dates, shopping expeditions are planned. =P But somewhere in the middle of all this I need to learn how to park and drive through Beverly Hills in preparation for my test next Wednesday!! ARGH. Talk to you all later!


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