
Thursday, October 27, 2005

I damn projectiles to burn in hell for eternity...

And while I'm at it, how about I send permutations/combinations and equating frigging coefficients to go and join it!!! GAH!!! Maths is great a lot of the time, but is also frustrating on occasion. Especially the night before exams...and you know, the bigger the exam, the worse the feeling usually is.

And after tomorrow, I'm going to have to study my arse off for 3u Eng, Chem and BLOODY MODERN!!!!! Hmph. I don't want to touch modern with a ten foot pole right now, but I'm going to have to rather soon.

What happened today...

Oh, my stupid little sister got her exam results back...I'm going to have to kill her sometime because she's going to beat the crap out of me in absolutely everything. Get this - MY sister topped the year in D&T. Ha! Obviously failure at D&T is not a genetic trait. Additionally she got 98 in English...just one off my highest ever mark!! She better not ever get 99 in English or I really will strangle her.

Hmm...wasted the day sleeping and sneaking in more bits of pointless books. Today's pointless book was "Hating Alison Ashley." That book makes me laugh so hard!!!! Hahahahaha if you haven't read it, go and read it NOW!!! I realise it is juvenile, but hey, what's the fun in life if we don't enjoy the little things?

Haha, and i read on the SMH that the director for "Amelie" is going to make "Life of Pi". Now I realise I promised to forget about journeys, but isn't it coincidental that Jeunet is making a film of a book that has a lot to do with journeys of the imagination? It is obviously due to his wonderful escapist element as shown through his saturated shots, rapid sequences and...


Right, well, I'm going to do maths now. Maths, I assure you!!


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