
Monday, October 24, 2005


A whole day of maths papers. Maths paper after maths paper after maths paper. In between differentiating functions, trying to find areas and proving triangles are congruent, I have managed to sneak in little procrastinating episodes that mainly consist of surfing the net. And sunbaking.

Bad news: Steve Kloves is going to direct Half Blood Prince. That just makes me SO MAD!!!! In case I haven't mentioned this before, I personally believe Steve Kloves is single-handedly responsible for the assassination of Ron's character from loyal, brave and hilarious friend to gawky, idiotic and cowardly sidekick. Example: Shrieking Shack scene (one of my favourites in the entire series) where HERMIONE says RON'S line - "You'll have to kill us first!" AAARRGGH!!!! Yes, I'm a huge Ron fan - and proud of it!!! (I realise that many of you may not have realised the extent of my Harry Potter nerdiness. Well, now you

Oh, and I managed to watch the Tom Cruise on Oprah debacle. (Haha..ok, maybe I procrastinate a bit more than I admit to doing). Can I just say that that was about the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen?? wasn't even really funny, it was just completely cringeworthy.

Anyway I should probably, you know, go back to a bit of work. Seeing as I am in the middle of the HSC and all.


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