
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Maths is 2/3 DONE!!!

Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration seeing that 3u maths is probably twice the amount of work of 2u. But still!! How exciting. Plus - it was a rather nice exam. Apart from some of the calculus questions (I HATE practical applications), most of the paper was pretty good. Easier than trials, definitely, with nice series questions and good, clear questions. That makes one exam that Jen is happy with so far. Yay!! The cynical side of me can see this coming back and biting me on the bum once the results come out and I go into a catatonic state or perhaps just throw myself off a very high building, but I'm trying to ignore that for the time being. Optimism is a nice feeling, even if it is miguided.

What's new...

Haha...there's a new interview with the HP actors. Go Emma Watson, she at least wants Ron and Hermione to hook up!! That couple cracks me up. Yeah, I'm way too obsessed with this movie for my own good. I know that. You don't have to tell me. =P

OMFG just checked out smh...apparently some designer thinks girls should walk around wearing full handlebar moustaches. When the hell did that happen?!?!? Right, well...I think now is the time for me to go and do some 3u papers. Oh joy.

Hope you're all having fun.


At 6:18 pm, Blogger Jen said...

hey jeffrey, i'm not in the mood to do 3u either. PLC is the non-pymble PLC btw - i go to the one in croydon.

At 10:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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