
Monday, April 24, 2006

Whoa...3 months? 4??

Sorry guys, I've completed neglected Jentertainment for a few reasons that I will now elaborate upon...

Firstly, late round uni offers revealed that I got a CSP place!!! WOOOOTT!!!! My life will therefore NOT suck until retirement - my HECS debt is now effectively quartered (at the very least). Fewf. Definitely one BIG relief - THANK YOU GOD!!!!

Secondly, during February I had a full time job at this place called "Moran Health Care Group"...for some reason, I decided to show off in the resume and send in my HSC marks, UAI, instead of doing a cushy easy job like stupid Daniel (fam friend), my manager decided to put me on paycalculations, mapping, and various other pseudo-accounting things. When I asked if the work was complicated, the answer was invariably: "Difficult!? Nothing's difficult to someone who got 99% for her HSC and is going to do MEDICINE...*muttermuttermutter*"...Well, Matthew, rorting the HSC and getting into Medicine requires a different form of intelligence and patience to doing ACCOUNTING...I must say, after this job, I've lost all respect for people whose life work is managing other people's accounts. There must be a special talent in putting up with the mundane minutiae that they have and nobody else possesses. (Haha - although I managed to do the work pretty quickly and spend my time reading books and listening to the ipod...not quite as good as watching movies during work, but still pretty decent methinks). What else happened...umm...ran into an olllddd friend of my dad's at this job (which was a really hilarious coincidence), and some seedy-looking leb guy who looked at least 25 asked me to have lunch with him...which I studiously avoided in favour of skipping lunch entirely and working for the whole hour. Anyway that was that...I made a fair bit of money, and then ditched the job in favour of...(DUN DUN DUN)...debating training. More on that later.

Thirdly, uni actually started...and can I just say I LOVE IT!!!!! Med people are GREAT!!! Med is great!!! Medcamp was awesome fun...(and a place where I discovered my talent for sculling and faking orgasms - although admittedly Mike's pissed all over mine), with the toga party and other great events just being places of fantastic fun. What can I say? Ohh..yeah, ok, some parts of Foundations my Individual Project...but apart from that, it was fabulous. NOTHING counted. At all!!!! HAHAHA sucked in to EVERYONE else!!! =P Med is da BOMB.

Fourthly, there's been debating training...which is fairly tiresome. The early mornings are a killer (but I do try to at least be humane about it *ahemJWUahem*)...keeping up to date with current affairs is suddenly a necessity again instead of a leisurely pursuit...and I have to dig up my rusty knowledge of debating method once more. But what the heck, I get paid - and very well. $50 an hour is nothing to laugh at.

Anyway as I write this blog entry, I am merely procrastinating from uni work...this is quite a familiar feeling, actually. Most of Jentertainment's entries from the beginning were simply distractions =P

I'm off to work now...toodles!


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