
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Exam update

Hehehehe...I was right!! I PASSED!!!! And I flunked the prac/MCQ/physiology bits, as expected. Hahaha...1.9/5 for the physiology question? Stellar effort. On the other hand, 4.5/5 for the pneumonia question was a good surprise, seeing as that question involved a lot of anatomy. Anyway well done to all you meddos out there...remember, a pass means you don't need to repeat S&H!

Having a ridiculously lazy day today, due to the lack of a functioning instrument. Haven't gotten out of my pyjamas, to my mother's sever irritation, and haven't really emerged from my room (except to get food). Ahh...the weather requires me to behave in this way, I swear!

Anyhoo that's it from me...I might go get stuck into a new book now. Currently thinking of either Brave New World or Catch-22. Hmm. I'm just hoping to get through those 1001 books....

Love you all!


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