
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Exam update

Hehehehe...I was right!! I PASSED!!!! And I flunked the prac/MCQ/physiology bits, as expected. Hahaha...1.9/5 for the physiology question? Stellar effort. On the other hand, 4.5/5 for the pneumonia question was a good surprise, seeing as that question involved a lot of anatomy. Anyway well done to all you meddos out there...remember, a pass means you don't need to repeat S&H!

Having a ridiculously lazy day today, due to the lack of a functioning instrument. Haven't gotten out of my pyjamas, to my mother's sever irritation, and haven't really emerged from my room (except to get food). Ahh...the weather requires me to behave in this way, I swear!

Anyhoo that's it from me...I might go get stuck into a new book now. Currently thinking of either Brave New World or Catch-22. Hmm. I'm just hoping to get through those 1001 books....

Love you all!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mid-year break continued...

So my family went up to the Gold Coast for a week. The weather was MUCH nicer than it has been down here of late, and it was a pleasant surprise to find ourselves in "paradise" where it's "beautiful one day, perfect the next" (for some reason their slogans have stuck in my head). Mostly it was a fairly lazy break, where I got through Memoirs of a Geisha and Anna Karenina...both of which are very good books. Some highlights:
1) Seaworld, with the cute animals and cool rides like Bermuda Triangle
2) Going to the hinterland - nice forests, mountains, bushwalks, vineyards
3) Going to Brisbane - never been there before, Southbank was nice, and walking around the city was cool. Also it was interesting to meet some of our distant relatives. By distant I mean grandma's cousin's daughter's family... The daughter is a med student, and the son is a test pilot who once was a fighter pilot who served in Iraq. I'll leave you all to take that as you will.
We also did some good shopping up there - stuff was so much cheaper!!! I for one was highly excited.

Anyway since we've been back, not too much has happened. Went to Lachlan's 24th on Friday night which was pretty good (apart from impregnating my nice new clothes with a serious stench of cigarette smoke in the Townie). Bummed around Saturday and went to this really, really, really nice Malaysian restaurant in Thornleigh - admittedly a bit of a hike, but for a true Malaysian/Chinese, good food is always worth a long drive. And in this case it really was. Detoured for a bit to Oakhill College where Dad fondly reminisced about "Oh, look, that's where I got spat on...and that's where I got a knife held to my throat." Randomly went over to Shankari's to hang out with her, Celia, Johnny, Rafe and Paul...we miraculously got the whole group together, only to spend the afternoon playing pick up sticks and trouble!!!! Hmm...maybe now that everyone's out of denial, there's no funny tension or pay out material anymore. Or maybe we were all just tired.

Later that night we migrated to Rafe's house where we looked through photos (including a lovely, incriminating one of Paul), played with Chinese balls and laughed ourselves silly at the instruction manual... Sometimes I wonder if we're all 8 and 9 instead of 18 and 19. Whoops, I meant 7, 8 and 9... hehehehe sorry Johnny! =P

Sunday went to Min's 19th and saw school people, which was lovely...and Monday, had a Medshow rehearsal in the morning. Medshow is going to be awesome fun, btw!!! Hospital Vaudevilles and dances to "My Glioma" being only a few highlights... Can't give away TOO much, but I expect to see you all there! August 18, Clancy Auditorium - for more details, email me! Anyway went to Fox Studios in the afternoon for a bowling session, which was good fun until Minty got assaulted by the psycho lane manager...that was pretty bloody scary, actually. The fun was also muted by emotional fuckwittage (for further clarification see Bridget Jones)...and as the night went on, it turned out that said emotional fuckwittage seemed to be a communal problem. Moral of the story? Boys are stupid! Throw rocks at them!! Haha.

Anyway now I'm on exam-results-release standby, and hating every minute of it. Standby is so evil. it screws up your day and doesn't let you make plans in advance. AAARRRGGGHH!!!! And add to that fear of actual failure.

I'm going to go and practice my dance now to take my mind off these things. See you all!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Being legal

Sooo yes, at the stroke of midnight on June 25, 2006, I downed a bit too much brandy and a little bit of Bailey's before sinking into a tired stupor.

The next day, I went out and purchased more grog, had lunch with a YP friend I hadn't seen in AAAGGES), and went out to Manly with Lachlan in the afternoon (nearly crashing Nicole Kidman's wedding in the process). Didn't get as hammered as I could have done, but never mind. That would happen later.

The entire week generally sucked because of Society and Health exam worries. I loathe anatomy, histology and physiology (pretty much the whole 'structure function' stuff) and as a result, immersed myself in immunology and pathology in an attempt to avoid everything else. Which is fine WHILE I am studying, but crap when I actually need to, well, know some anatomy. The exam itself was quite bad - the MCQs, prac bits, and physiology question in particular. Hahahaha and the description of the journey of Streptococcus down the respiratory tract? "It passes through the oropharynx, where the tonsils are, and then goes through the larynx which is made of cartilage." Oh dear. Hopefully I'll make up for it on the TB and pneumonia questions, but we'll see. I just want to pass!!!!

After that was my 18th party, which was enormous fun. It was really good having people from school, uni, church and debating/public speaking all together!!!! And also good to dance, chat and have fun. Check out my MSN space for photos (I know, I know, I've gone over to the dark side...) - I'd also like to add my apologies to Mike Tran, Jason Ho, Tim Cooper and anyone else Lachlan managed to molest on the night.

The next day I was fighting off a massive hangover while helping my mother clean up the back. After (slightly) recovering, I hit the Slip Inn with a few dedicated med ppl for our end of session "party". (Note: Med people need to turn up to parties, dammit!!!!) After paying $500, about 10-15 of us proceeded to drink ourselves into stupors. Christopher got a high ordering "orb juice" (ie, some really expensive drink in a bottle shaped like an orb) and the rest of us indulged in exotic shots and cocktails. After 7 drinks in quick succession, I began to feel somewhat queasy. Tottering to the bathroom, aided by Shankari, I consequently abandoned one of my pre-18 resolutions and emptied the contents of my stomach into a waiting toilet bowl in a series of violent muscular convulsions. The epithelium of the oropharyngeal areas didn't feel too good after being attacked with hydrochloric acid, but that was the least of my entire head was throbbing. Afterwards I lay down for a 'nap' reality, I think I passed out. It felt like 5 minutes but I later heard from Shankari and Chris that I was unresponsive for a good 30-45 minutes. Got up again, threw up again, and then was dragged by Kim, Scuz, Shankari, Chris, Mike and Ritika to George St where we sat in Maccas for a good 2 hours. In that time I sobered up and drank a LOT of water (which undoubtedly was responsible for the miraculous lack of a hangover the next day). So yeah - now I make the pre-18 resolution again. And stop nodding and giving knowing smiles. Being that pissed feels crap and makes you a burden on you just don't enjoy the night! So yeah..moderation is the key. I might just add now that I am terribly grateful for Shankari, Chris and Mike being so caring and considerate.

Sunday was fun...very lazy. Got into Tim's Kahlua and looked longingly at the Flaschengeist but couldn't bring myself to ruin those beautiful concoctions. Went to Ritika's 18th on Monday which was good fun, and then caught up with the Rostrum people (Liv, Vikram and Ben) at City Extra cafe in the afternoon...

Tuesday was a very, very, VERY lazy day in which I don't think I moved out of bed or even changed out of pyjamas. Ate my way through a lot of remaining junk food (speaking of which I think I'll put on SO much weight) and hung out with my sister.

Wednesday was SUPPOSED to be a Star Wars movie day until Johnny, Paul and Rafe bailed in quick succession. Ok, so Johnny had warned us long ago. Paul sent a message at MIDNIGHT while Rafe suddenly developed a debilitating sickness that didn't appear to be present the day before. Anyway, Shankari, Celia and I had a lovely time with boyfriend crises and analysis of the Martian/Venusian theory as espoused by Dr John Gray. And later we enjoyed a viewing of "The Fellowship of the Ring" - Shankari's initiation into the cinematic world of Tolkien. Memorable quote: "I want a hobbit!! I want a hobbit for a pet!!!!" I'll leave you to guess who said that.

Today went to a "picnic" with Ness, Loz and Shankari and tried to offload more junk, followed with a coffee with Ms Bennets... Hahaha I think that was just one big shock for her. Oh dear. "Jennifer! You drink alcohol...? And coffee?? You're going to be smoking cigarettes the next time I see you. And is that your boyfriend? He looks groovy and... Very old. How old is he, Jen? 23?? Jen!!!!" Anyway, that was good fun.

Wellllll that was an action packed week!!! Off to Veena's tonight, and then to the Gold Coast tomorrow for a week!! Love you all, hope you enjoy your holidays. =)